WordPress development

Today, over 43% of all websites are powered by WordPress. It is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) on the market used by millions of people worldwide.

WordPress Development Cardiff

Today, over 43% of all websites are powered by WordPress. It is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) on the market used by millions of people worldwide.

It is a modern, state-of-the-art CMS, with a clean and intuitive interface that simplifies your website making it super easy to use to edit your site. One of the reasons why we love WordPress development.

WordPress is also incredibly scalable. It can support millions of monthly page views and thousands of logged-in users with the proper infrastructure and resources in place.

WordPress development services in Cardiff

Why WordPress is our CMS of choice

Thanks to its scalable nature it can be extended with themes and plugins to create a myriad of different websites.

WordPress can power a simple corporate site, or a secure online shop with thousands of products or even a complex membership directory with thousands of users.

WordPress is great for SEO. Search engines are able to easily read and index a WordPress site’s content and it only gets better when you use SEO plugins to give pages, posts and images their own meta titles, descriptions and keywords for enhanced search engine optimization.

Also, as WordPress is the market leader, it keeps itself up-to-date improving its software year on year managing any bugs and security issues along the way making it very economical to maintain.

professional WordPress design and development

WordPress maintenance service

All software needs to be updated periodically to improve performance, fix bugs and vulnerabilities, and generally keep things running smoothly. WordPress is no exception.

There are three main areas that need updating on a WordPress website - the WordPress core files, the WordPress theme and any WordPress plugins you have installed.

WordPress like any other CMS is a target for hackers, so it's imperative to keep your WordPress sofware up-to-date and your website safe.

WordPress maintenance plans cardiff

WordPress maintenance plans

We offer our clients maintenance plans as part of our ongoing support.

Our maintenance plans depend on the type of site you have, from basic yearly maintenance plans for informational sites to monthly plans for more complex sites that require more support.

We monitor websites that report on security issues and patch vulnerabilities immediately.

We also take care of hosting issues and any other problems that might arise along the way.

WordPress design and development

Ready to take your online presence to the next level? Contact us today.