Case Studies / International Institute of Marine Surveying USA

International Institute of Marine Surveying USA

The International Institute of Marine Surveying USA branch, promotes the practice of marine surveying throughout the USA with the support of the IIMS Head Office in the UK and its resources.

The Brief

Create a visually engaging website for the eight regional branches of the International Institute of Marine Surveying and present local and international content with well planned information architecture.

The Approach

We decided on a clean, modern, minimalistic look for the site. The use of a hero image on the homepage is intended to catch people’s attention and automatically associate the site with a international branch.

The homepage is a hub of information – members can browse the latest local and international news and events, and discover brand new marine resources and available qualifications for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

We designed dedicated pages for news, events, qualifications and resources, and for international content we used RSS feeds to dynamically populate the site with select data from IIMS HQ daily.

The Result

A streamlined web portal packed with news, events and resources that connects members with both their local IIMS branch and IIMS HQ in the UK.